In my opinion one of the most important pieces of equipment for any triathlete are the shoes we wear for running in both training and racing. With running being such a high impact activity and your shoes being the first point of contact for all of this force it is crucial to have the best footwear that suits your foot and running style to avoid any unnecessary injuries.
Fortunately for myself I’ve had the assistance of the guys from Allsports Podiatry (, Nike and more recently The Shoe Lab ( in helping me choose the best footwear for me. All too often I used to have problems with blisters on my feet but since Allpodiatry have been sorting out my orthotics I haven’t had any issues. I’ve also stayed true and have been training in the Nike Vomeros for close to three years. I’ve been through several models in this time as you can see from what is clogging up my closet (and this doesn’t include what I’ve had to throw out). Also on this, it is just as important to make sure you are changing your shoes regularly because with the amount of distance most triathletes are covering the support tends to wear out as quickly as 3-4 months depending on your exact mileage. 
In races I’ve been using the Nike Lunar Racers for the same amount of time now and I haven’t quite been through the same amount as I have with my training shoes because they don’t get as much wear. I’ve had a pair of the Lunar Racers in almost every possible colour, including a pink pair that unfortunately made their way with some of the Vomeros into the rubbish. I’ve just picked myself up a pair of the Nike Lunar Spiders for upcoming races and keeping with the trend, these shoes certainly stand out from the crowd.
I’m regularly visiting Allsports Podiatry to make sure I stay on top of my shoes to avoid any unnecessary injuries. The Shoe Lab is also situated in conjunction with Allsports Podiatry which is great because with all of my new and old shoes I can jump on their treadmill and get my technique checked out with their software there.