Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Nutrend V2.0

Since I have been using all of the Nutrend products for the last couple of weeks now I thought I'd share with everyone a few more details about their products and when I use them and when they are best used.

I have been using a combination of the Isodrink, Profidrink, Powerbar, Voltagebar, Carbosnack and Endurosnack for all of my training and as well as all tasting great, I have found them to be really beneficial and training of late has been going great.

Both the Isodrink and Profidrink are electrolyte drinks that come in powder form.  The Profidrink comes in either a lemon or orange flavour and is designed more for endurance activities lasting longer than an hour.  I've been using it for a lot of my long rides where I'll have one bottle with water and the other with the Profidrink mixture in the other and have found it to be really useful as well as tasting great.  The Iosdrink on the other hand is designed more for shorter duration activities lasting up to an hour.  I have found this drink to be really beneficial for some of my afternoon sessions that tend to last around an hour in duration or even to have before an afternoon session if I have been at work all day to give me that extra boost before I start.  As well as coming in the lemon and orange flavour, the isodrink also comes in an apple flavour that is probably my favourite product out of everything I have tried.

Similar to the drinks, the gels Nutrend produce come in two different kinds depending on what your needs are.  The Endurosnacks are similar to the Profidrink and are more designed for longer lasting activities whereas the Carbosnacks are designed for the shorter duration activities.  I've been trialling all of these gels in my training lately to try and work out what works best for me but the benefits of both of these gels are that they are in a tube form so unlike most other gels they don't need to be consumed immediately and can be taken as you need and are more easily stored.  They also come in a wide range of flavours with the Endurosnack coming in apricot, green apple, orange and red fresh and the Carbosnacks coming in apricot, bitter lemon, blue energy, blueberry, caramel and green apple.  I am currently having more problems trying to work out which flavours I should order next more than anything because they all taste great and are really easy to get down when training at high intensities.

I've also been using the Powerbars and Voltagebars both during and outside training.  The powerbars are very similar to those made by a lot of other nutrition companies and after sampling all of them I am hooked on both the mixed berry and passionfruit bars.  The Voltagebars are similar to the Powerbars but are a bit more substancial and I've used them on a few occassions before a training session or on those longer rides where something with a bit more substance is needed.

With many more products on the horizon be sure to check back again with anything new I manage to get my hands on to share with everyone.  And I wouldn't be able to finish this blog with again thanking Nutrend Supplements for their support and if anyone is interested in any more information or ordering anything feel free to get in contact with me or jump on the Nutrend website at and head to their online shop to get it delivered straight to your door and with free shipping on offer at the moment now is as good a time as any!


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